My Favorite Films

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Blog Announcements

If you have one of the classic film blogs listed in the left sidebar, I’m sorry if I haven’t been commenting as much. My Internet connection has been acting really weird lately and the Blogger comment system rarely has been working. A couple times I have typed comments up and then wasn’t able to post them. Argh!

You may also notice the new header. Here is a side-by-side comparison of the old one and the new one.

This one was very fuzzy and just looked bad.

Recently, I found an online tutorial about how to make a header on PhotoScape (I’m fairly helpless when it comes to technical stuff, if you can’t tell. :P). It’s still not the best, but I like the new photo of Jean Arthur with a typewriter. I think the subtext may be a little hard to read, though. I may design a new one eventually, but for now I’m just glad this one isn’t fuzzy! It was surprisingly easy to do, thankfully!

Just a reminder: today is the last day to vote in the Cary Grant poll. You will find it at the top of the right sidebar.

I haven’t been posting as many movie reviews lately because I haven’t been watching as many movies! Mostly I’ve just been viewing some TV shows. I may decide to do a post on one of those, though. We’ll see.

If you are having an Oscar party this evening, have fun! I don’t usually get much into the Oscars unless there is a film or performance I really care about. Who/what are you rooting for this year?


  1. Thank you!

    Oh that makes it extra fun if you've seen all the films. Which one was your favorite?

  2. Audrey,
    I was rooting for Firth, Bale and Bening! Of course there were so many great films and fantastic performances this year I'm sure the Academy had a tough go of it when choosing just one in each category.
    I was a bit disappointed in the hosting but it seems that feeling is widespread after everyone has now weighed in.
